How to install or uninstall “httpie” on Ubuntu 22 04 LTS Jammy Jellyfish ?

The tidal basin is located across a walkway from Grizzly River Run and became the catch basin for water from the raft ride. The rise and fall of water in the tidal basin serves the dual purpose of providing a location to store water and being a scenic element that simulates a rising and falling tide. Osteoarthritis (OA) is a highly prevalent whole-joint disease that causes disability and pain and affects a patient’s quality of life. However, currently, there is a lack of effective early diagnosis and treatment. Although stem cells can promote cartilage repair and treat OA, problems such as immune rejection and tumorigenicity persist.

  • This would have required costly excavation and construction.
  • Musculus populations from the Czech Republic, Kazakhstan and Afghanistan and a M.
  • One of the closest relatives to the Mus musculus subspecies complex is the Algerian mouse Mus spretus27, with populations inhabiting areas around the western Mediterranean Sea.
  • We use a single pipeline to map and call variants for these individuals and also include 10 additional individuals of M.

Wild populations of the house mouse (Mus musculus) represent the raw genetic material for the classical inbred strains in biomedical research and are a major model system for evolutionary biology. We provide whole genome sequencing data of individuals representing natural populations of M. Domesticus (24 individuals from 3 populations), M. Helgolandicus (3 individuals), M. Musculus (22 individuals from 3 populations) and M. Spretus (8 individuals from one population).

Flow (video game)

Samples were pooled such that we generated about 12 million paired reads/sample, which were loaded on one lane each of a Hiseq2000 sequencer and sequenced with a 2×100 bp v3 protocol. For whole genome sequencing of batch 1–3 we fragmented 1 μg of DNA of each individual using the 250 bp sonication protocol (Bioruptor, Diagenode, Liège, Belgium). The fragments were end-repaired and adaptor-ligated, including incorporation of sample index barcodes. The products were then purified and amplified (10 PCR cycles) to create the final libraries. The TruSeq DNA LT Sample Prep Kit v2 was used for all steps. One library was loaded on two lanes of a Hiseq2000 sequencer and sequenced with a 2×100 bp v3 protocol.

Musculus populations from the Czech Republic, Kazakhstan and Afghanistan and a M. Spretus population from Spain. Populations were sampled between 2003 and 2012. Some aspects of the genome sequences obtained from the three M. Domesticus populations, as well as the island subspecies M. Helgolandicus, have previously been described26,38.

This number also includes spliced reads, which Tophat2 detects. This number dropped to 57% (range 33–66%) for reads uniquely mapping to ENS 82 annotated features (i.e., exons, Supplementary Table 3). The RNAseq based read coverage for each basepair in the genome can then be visualized in the UCSC (available as public session under ‘wildmouse’) or IGV browsers46,47.

DNA was extracted from liver, spleen, or ear samples using salt extraction53 or DNeasy kits (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany). RNA was extracted only for M. Domesticus mice from Germany (8 individuals), France (8 individuals) and Iran (8 individuals) using mostly the same individuals, which are included in the whole genome sequencing study (see details above and Supplementary Table 2).

PlayStation versions

Surprisingly, the Mus spretus individuals from Spain are highly inbred, suggesting that they may have experienced a recent bottleneck. If the player reaches the bottom again, the creature there is their original worm-like creature, and defeating it starts the game over as that organism. Mice designated for RNA extraction were housed alone after weaning and were routinely visually inspected for health and vigor. Only male mice were included in the study, sacrificed at 12 weeks.

To calculate the final concentration for the sequencing run, the samples were measured with the Quant-iT dsDNA BR Assay Kit on a Nanodrop 3,300 fluorometer. The samples were paired-end sequenced (76 bp) independently on a single flow cell on a NextSeq 500 using the NextSeq 500 High Output v2 150 cycles chemistry. We established wild-derived outbred populations for M. Domesticus (France, Germany) and M. Musculus (Kazakhstan and Czech Republic). For the first 11–14 generations live mice obtained from the wild were set up in a cyclical breeding scheme aiming at maintaining maximum genetic variability over time.

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